I Am Catholic, I Hate Abortion But I’m Still Pro-Choice: Opinion

This article is an op-ed written based on the opinion of the journalist. If you would like to donate in order to protect abortion access, the National Network of Abortion Funds has put together a fundraiser that splits each donation between more than 80 different abortion clinics spread across America. You can also customize how much of your donation goes where if you’d like.

I realize that I am subjecting myself to a lot of criticism by writing this opinion piece. I am a practicing Catholic. It’s how I was raised and it is how I choose to continue to practice my religion as an almost 30-year-old. 

I believe in God, I pray to Him daily, and I do my best to live right by Him. I am also pro-choice. And right now, our Supreme Court is threatening to take away a woman’s right to choose.

i am catholic, i hate abortion but i’m still pro-choice: opinion

Believe it or not, I’ve prayed to God about my opinion on abortion. I’ve asked Him if I should be pro-life or pro-choice. Am I sinning by simply being pro-choice?

Now if you ask me, those two sides are one and the same. If you claim to be pro-life, then you should allow women a choice.

It’s not surprising that I get a lot of backlash from fellow followers of Christ. But just take a moment to hear me out. 

I Am Catholic, I Hate Abortion But I’m Still Pro-Choice: Opinion

Abortion is so much more than what people make it out to be. It’s a medical procedure often done to ensure the well-being of a woman. And sometimes it is performed because a woman has made the decision she no longer wants to be pregnant.

Through the teachings of my church, I was taught abortion is bad, wrong, a sin. And while that is how I choose to live my life, I would be a hypocrite to take that right to choose away from another woman.

i am catholic, i hate abortion but i’m still pro-choice: opinion

Yes, it is my religion that tells me abortion is a sin. But it is also my religion that tells me God loves everyone, in fact, there is no one He loves more than sinners. 

A few verses come to mind when I think about how God responds to sinners. Like this one from Psalm; “But you, my Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy; you are very patient and full of faithful love.” Or this one from Chronicles; “Give thanks to the Lord because he is good because his faithful love endures forever.” And this one from Romans; “But God shows his love for us, because while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”

We live in the land of the free. Men and women have died so that I can live my life however I see fit. Now, I’m lucky. I’m lucky that the way in which I choose to live my life, the things that make me happy are considered “the norm.” 

It’s when that norm is challenged that many of us have the reflex to freak out and use our power, use the government, to make sure they remain comfortable in their “social norms.” But that is not how freedom works.

I want to keep my right to practice my religion and I want my neighbor to be able to do the same. I want women to feel safe and to be able to live their life the way they see fit.

Would I ever choose to get an abortion? No. I think that’s very clear. If someone asked me my opinion if they should get an abortion, I would respectfully attempt to guide them down a different path, but if their ultimate choice is to no longer take their pregnancy to term, that should be their choice. And it is one I would respect.

i am catholic, i hate abortion but i’m still pro-choice: opinion

It is in our constitution that we don’t use our religious beliefs to govern other Americans. Yet, that is exactly what we are doing.

Why is it that we who are uncomfortable with abortions get to make the rules? It’s not right, it’s not fair. So instead of forcing women to do things against their own will, let’s fight for better sex education and cheaper birth control. 

i am catholic, i hate abortion but i’m still pro-choice: opinion | i realize that i am subjecting myself to a lot of criticism by writing this opinion piece. i am a practicing catholic. but i'm still pro-choice.

I encourage you to look at it this way: by not being pro-choice you are making a medical decision for a stranger you will never know. How does that sit right with you?

Believe it or not, you don’t have to like abortion to be pro-choice. Abortion can make you sad and uncomfortable and you can still be pro-choice. Because in all reality, it has nothing to do with you.

I should not have the right to force any woman to have a child. And neither should you.

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