25 Septum Piercings from Tame to Insane

Septum piercings are wildly popular today with some of the brightest stars now sporting nose jewelry. Zoë Kravitz, Bella Thorne, Zendaya, Willow Smith, and Rhianna are just a few of the celebrities with septum piercings. These types of piercings are so popular because they direct focus to the face and add a little sparkle. Further, when these piercings have healed they can be easily hidden if need be. However, some of the septum piercings on this list are a little harder to conceal!

We wanted to discover the latest trends when it comes to septum piercings and also understand the limits of these nose piercings. We discovered everything from super cute to super scary! We have compiled a list for you to take a septum journey of discovery into all things nasal. Take a look at the images below for inspiration and consider yourself warned that the further you get down the list, the more extreme the piercings. Let’s go!

Take a Look at These Wild Septum Piercings!

The Standard

insane septum piercings

Here’s a perfect example of a standard septum piercing. Just a nice little ring is all it takes. If you like a sophisticated and understated look, this could be perfect for you.

Septum + Medusa

insane septum piercings

Here we find one of the most popular pairings for septum piercings, a Medusa (philtrum) piercing. A Medusa piercing is directly under the nose in the “cupid’s bow” indentation. Doesn’t it look fantastic?

Other Pairings

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In this example we find a vertical philtrum piercing along with a septum piercing and two nasallang piercings that go through the nostrils of the nose. Why get just one piercing in that nose when you can have three!

Nostril + Septum

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What else looks excellent with septum piercings? Nostril piercings! The more the merrier, right?

A Bigger Gauge

insane septum piercings

You can improve on septum piercings by gauging the piercing with thicker jewelry. Some people choose to go smaller after the piercing heals while others stretch things out. Both offer variety.

Express Yourself with Jewelry

insane septum piercings

After your septum piercing heals, you can change out the jewelry to create some truly remarkable looks. We find lovely blue-toned gemstones that dazzle here!

Big & Gauged

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Here’s another look at gauged septum piercings. This individual has a very large one in his nose. It takes time to stretch it to this limit but if you are committed you can do the same!

Multiple Rings

insane septum piercings

If you’ve gauged your septum piercing, you can choose a thicker gauge ring or stack multiple rings in the piercing for a unique look. Why just one ring when you can show off a few!

Another Gauge

insane septum piercings

Experiment with different pieces of jewelry for your septum piercings and gauges and you might just find a signature look. This piece is shaped like a crescent moon.

Triple Threat

insane septum piercings

One of the most common piercing schemes for septum piercings is to have both nostrils pierced in addition to the septum. It creates a unique look and makes your nose truly sparkle.

Triple Again

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We find two nostril nose piercings here that look so bizarre thanks to these sword-like pieces of jewelry that extend all the way down, past that septum piercing, to the lips. Notice that it’s the same three nose piercings as the last example.

A Bunch

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This person has several nose piercings including three on each nostril. A septum ring and a bridge bar are also stabbed into the nose.

Huge Gauge

insane septum piercings

This person’s face tattoo, that says “life is strange” pretty much sums it up! We find a nasallang piercing, three nostril piercing, and a gauged septum ring that stretches extreme.

All the Classics

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This person has a nasallang, Austin bar, and septum piercing. It’s getting a little crowded but it’s not too extreme.

RELATED: 25 Extreme Face Piercings That Are Anything But Superficial


insane septum piercings

There’s a lot going on here but gather your attention to the huge gauges in this person’s nostrils. You can see inside this person’s nose! Behind them are smaller nostril piercings and if you look through those gauges, you will see a gauged septum piercing inside. We also find surface piercings and a bridge bar piercing. That poor nose!

A Stretch

insane septum piercings

Here’s a different view of a stretched septum. Yes, you too can have an extra hole in your nose! Just gauge out that septum. Notice there are smaller nostril and upper nostril nose piercings as well.

Keep It Strange

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Here, we find some wonderfully weird jewelry in the form of a large gauge that goes through the septum and ends in points. Then, you’ll also notice nostril nose piercings and a bridge piercing.

Try & Focus

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There’s a lot to unpack in this image but draw your attention to the septum piercings, if you can! You will find no fewer than nine separate piercings in just one nose. This person clearly loves their metal candy.


insane septum piercings

For people who have a gauged septum, additional piercings can be added to the septum and attached to it. As you can see here, there are three septril piercings that connect to this person’s septum. Further, there is a huge gauge in this person’s nasallang piercing.


insane septum piercings

Do people with this many piercings get sensitive around magnets? There’s no need to stop at one septum ring, it turns out you can shove about half a dozen in there.

Never Break the Chain

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In this nose, we find a lot of gauges through the nose at the nostrils and then into the septum. The chain is an interesting look here and unlike any of the other septum piercings on this list.


insane septum piercings

We find a couple of extreme piercings in the form of subdermal implants on this person’s head. They look like little mounds or horns. Also, take note of the three piercings through the bottom lip. There is a very large gauge in the septum as well.

Heavy Metal

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The piercings through the cheek my grab your attention but take a look at that huge gauge in the nose. We suppose it’s one of the tamer septum piercings at this point but it’s still remarkable!

Look Through

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You can see right through this person’s nose thanks to gauged nostrils that allow you to peer right through a gauged septum. This is certainly on the extreme end of septum piercings.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Extreme Piercings That Will Haunt You for Life

Live Your Life

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We leave you with someone who is passionate about body modification. They have chosen a very intriguing piece of jewelry for their septum piercing. It’s all good!

There you go! We hope you got a kick out of these septum piercings. Getting a piercing on the face is not going to be for everyone but it might just be for you. As you’ve seen on this list, you can go big and bold or keep things simple. There is no right or wrong way with septum piercings. Be true to yourself and you will walk away with a piercing that you will love for the rest of your life!

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